data = FILTER_DATA(data,ch,filt) filtering of given channel(s) with filter options ARGUMENTS data ... Zoo data ch ... Channel(s) to operate on (single string or cell array of strings). Use 'Video','Analog',or 'all' to filter video, analog, or all channels. Default 'all'. filt ... Filter options (struct). Default: 4th order butterworth low-pass filter with 10Hz cutoff. filt can contain the following fields: filt.type = 'butterworth','chebychev I/II','eliptic','bessel' filt.cutoff = integer cutoff frequency. filt.order = interger filter order filt.pass = 'lowpass','highpass' filt.srip = stopband ripple (see 'cheby1,cheby2,ellip) filt.prip = peak-to-peak ripple (see 'ellip') RETURNS data ... Zoo data with chosen channels filtered NOTES - Sampling rate will be read from zoo file. See also bmech_filter, filter_line, butter, cheby1, cheby2, ellip,besself